Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Blog2Print : Turn your Blog into a book

Blog2Print is a service that makes a book out of your blog entries.

You have a few options to customize the look of your book and to choose which blog entries will be included.

The preview is shown as a Flash flipbook.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Piku-Piku processing and viewing technology from Start 3D

Start3D.com is a site for creating and sharing 3D photos online.

You would not need special glasses to view the 3D photos. The Piku-Piku processing and viewing technology from Colin Davidson(Founder and CEO), an Academy award winner for Technical excellence, takes care of that.

The site is currently in Beta and free to register and use in Beta.

Read more about what 3d photography is all about at the Start 3D Blog

Google - Browser Size

Browser Size from Google labs gives you an estimate of users who can see the content on your web pages without scroling.
It gives a rough idea of which portions of the page cannot do without scrolling.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Photoshop.com : online photo editing, storage and sharing

Photoshop.com is an online photo editing, storage and sharing site form Adobe.

The UI makes good use of the Flash Platform. You require Flash player 10 and above to use the service.

Photoshop.com is an evolution of Photoshop express beta, also from Adobe, which is now the editing component used in the service.

There's a free membership in addition to a premium offering. The free membership provides you a 2GB storage space.

To know more about usage and features , visit the Photoshop.com community questions page

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Aviary Design Apps

Impressive use of the Flash Platform for an impressive set of applications http://aviary.com/tools.

Image Editor - Phoenix : http://aviary.com/tools/phoenix

Image Mark up tool - Falcon : http://aviary.com/tools/falcon . Use it along with the Firefox extension Talon

Effects Editor - Peacock : http://aviary.com/tools/peacock

Vector Editor - Raven : http://aviary.com/tools/raven

Audio Mixer - Myna : http://aviary.com/tools/myna

Colour Swatch / Palette Editor - Toucan : http://aviary.com/tools/toucan

Follow Aviary blog at http://aviary.com/blog

Founders of Aviary also created http://www.worth1000.com/ , a community site for digital artists to participate in daily contests.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

How to render transparent png images in IE6 with AlphaImageLoader filter

It’s a well documented fact that IE6 does not render transparent png images properly. You would see a greyish patch in place of the transparent areas .For instance if you had the following div tag

<div id=’layer_with_transparency’>inner html</div>

and its associated style was


you’d end up with problems while viewing the page on IE6.

To fix the problem, make use of the AlphaImageLoader Filter http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms532969(VS.85).aspx from Microsoft.
The css for this filter would be
 filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(enabled=true,src='images/transparent_bg.png’, sizingMethod='scale');

To make IE6 alone use this filter, use the underscore format so that the later version of Internet Explorer ignore the filter style specs.
The final css would take the form

background-image:url(‘images/transparent_bg.png’);/* style for IE6 fix */
_background-image:none ; /* remove the above bg image as we are going to use the filter */
_filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(enabled=true, src='images/transparent_bg.png’, sizingMethod='scale'); /* use the filter for transparency support in IE6 */