Monday, June 29, 2009

Move the cursor over the face

Move live space entries to blogger ... the round-about way ...

Used live space mover ( to move my live space entries to wordpress.

Moved the resulting wordpress blog to Blogger using the tips found at

Flickr, Flex and PV3D!

Flickr photos displayed using Flex SDK , FlashDevelop 3 and Papervision3D.

Uses the following libraries
AS3 Flickr API from Adobe Labs -

as3corelib -

and Caurina Tweener -

Takes a while to load ...

Mouseover the cubes to interact ... click to enlarge the cube ...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Eclipse project for Silverlight

Silverlight plugin for Eclipse

Install Apache Solr on Windows

Download and install lastest Java sdk

Download and install Tomcat 6

set JAVA_HOME and CATALINA_HOME env variables

download apache solr

Unzip and copy solr-.war to %CATALINA_HOME%/webapps/solr.war

Create Solr_Home where index will be stored ... for this create a JNDI entry solr/home

The easiest way is to copy 'solr' directory from the examples folder that came with your solr download.

start up tomcat and browse to http://localhost:8080/solr/



Tomcat 6 startup problem

Tomcat 6 server was not starting up.

Kept getting Java_Bind error  for port 8005.

Changed the shutdown port value to 8006 in conf/server.xml ... that solved the problem.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Flash Builder 4 Beta

Flash Builder 4 (formerly known as Flex Builder) Beta was made available at Adobe labs.